Here is what you need to know about Trademark Protection with the new gTLD rollouts:
Standard rights protection mechanisms to fight unauthorized use of your marks already exist on the web. As an added protection in the new expansion of the Internet ICANN set up the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH). Trademark holders can take advantage of first rights protections and get notifications by registering in the TMCH.
Submit Marks to the TMCH
The Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) is the most important brand protection mechanism built specifically for the launch of new TLDs. TMCH acts as the authoritative online source for registered marks, monitoring any violations of domain names registered with a trademarked term. A private person or a company can submit trademarks for review. As new TLDs go live, the TMCH will simplify your registration process and monitor for any violations afterwards a new TLD goes live.
Once approved, you will be given a unique code called the Signed Marked Data (SMD) file that will be used when registering either DPML or a domain in a Sunrise phase (The phase open only for registered Trademark holders). To learn more about submitting your mark, see the TMCH website.